Neolithic Age

Concept Explanation

Neolithic Age

The New Stone Age, Or the Neolithic Age (8000- 4000BCE): Around 8000BCE, the Mesolithic Age ended and the new stone age or the Neolithic Age started. Humans evolved from being hunters and gatherers to being farmers and herders.Neolithic, also called New Stone Age, final stage of cultural evolution or technological development among prehistoric humans.  The Neolithic followed the Paleolithic Period, or age of chipped-stone tools, and preceded the Bronze Age, or early period of metal tools.

The major developments of Neolithic age are:

  • Growing crops and domesticating animals.
  • Use of polished stone tools and weapons.
  • The art of making pottery and making painted potteries.
  • Practice of the burying the dead along with pottery ,weapon,food,and drink.
  • Invention of the wheel.
  • Chalcolithic Age (4000, 2000BCE): Chalcolithic Age is also called the copper – Stone Age. Implement made of both stone and copper were used during this period. People invented the plough, the wheeled cart and the sail boat. They discovered how to mix metals and get stronger tools, vessels and weapons.

    The availability of a perennial water source in the form of spring, the availability of raw material in the form of limestone for tool-making, the protected nature of the valley, and the availability of a wide variety of plant and animal foods, ensured continuous human occupation of this valley from the earliest time.

    Common Features

  • The people of Chalcolithic culture had used unique painted earthenware usually black-on-red.
  • They used specialized blade and flake industry of the siliceous material like chalcedony and chert.
  • The Economy was largely based on subsistence agriculture, stock-raising, hunting, and fishing.

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